Last month spirit - or the universe - presented us with the gift of clarity, by asking us to take stock of the way we make decisions and what influences our choices. Hopefully many took time to consider those areas of our life or choices that were screaming for attention.
This month the need for clarity carries over along with the request for us to share information and resources with our community. What skills do you have that would benefit those nearest you, or those in need. What information have you been blessed with that you can teach others? January is asking us to not only share all we've come to know through life, ancestors and experience but to receive that information from others as well. If there's something you feel called to share, this may be the time to do so.
Take a moment at the start of this month to go wherever clarity comes easiest for you. For me that's the water, for you that may be somewhere that allows you to plant both feet into the ground. Wherever it is, go to that place and meditate on your gifts, resources. Show gratitude for having received them and consider the ways you can share your gifts and resources with others.
The tarot card of the month is the King of Wands, asking us not to delay but to go forward with confidence. To help others and allow people to help you as well.
All we've got is each other so start the year by keeping community at the forefront of your mind. We ALL have something to share because we all have different talents, skills and ways of processing.
Gemstones for Assistance
It's not always easy to feel gracious, this world can make it difficult to remain kind. Mostly we are reacting to each others baggage so I'm suggesting Rose Quartz to soften us all a little bit.
Many of us have been living in limbo since March 2020 and it feels difficult to reset from that point. I'd love for us to utilize Diopside to consider our relationship to the resources we use from the earth. To reset our relationship with ourselves and this planet and to consider where to go from here. There is no backwards, there is no return we can only move forward.
Happy New Year Friends and may you find moments of joy, peace and abundance throughout the year.