Throughout this month, many of the same messages keep appearing. From reminders about how thin the veil is (2.2 West) and reminders to stay open (0.4 Accept)
This week we're asked to accept and lean into the receptive nature from many around us. To share what we've learned or are in the process of learning because we can access additional information from the spirit realm. The shift this week comes from moving on towards a new path way (0.4 Conclude) even the arrows in the center of the card spell out GO repeatedly.
We've learned to stay open, to accept the messages from spirit and earth and now we must move forward with this new information.
For additional context we looked to the Sun + Moon tarot deck. Which asks us to keep balance at the forefront of our minds. I love this version of the two of pentacles because it reminds me of both the Temperance and Justice card. We are weighing what we have learned recently with what we've always known. To use both in our decision making processes to hold onto balance as we move forward.
Crystals to Assist
This week I'm suggesting working with different forms of quartz; amethyst, clear quartz and smokey quartz if you've been having difficulty recognizing your elevated guides. For help with clarity and messages start by centering yourself and asking for an open mind.